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Nov/Int Waltz I

Taught by Devin Ryan
Novice/Intermediate Level
Silver basic experience required*
$15 per person

Level up your Ballroom dances! End your Monday evenings with a smooth dance. Learn lead/follow techniques through fun social patterns to expand your range in steps and style. Build confidence to bring to the dance floor at weekly social events. No partner is needed. You can drop in at your convenience, though attendance every week is encouraged to get the maximum results!

Dances rotate every two months.
March & April: Waltz

*Silver basic experience required (feet pass vs. box waltz where feet close). If you have never danced before, check out Devin’s Sunday Beginner Ballroom classes!

March 27

Nov/Int Cha Cha I

March 28

Adv. Beginner Hustle